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Meet the team

There are no illusions here. The team consists of one Independent Educational Consultant and that would be me, Elise Bundy. I also have support staff who assist with tutoring.  I have decided purposely to keep my business small. This allows me to keep my costs down which I pass on to the customer in the form of moderate pricing. It also allows me to stay directly involved with each client.  My past experience in working at large retail firms coupled with my B.S. in Business Managment has taught me that bigger is not always better. 


My story is quite simple. I became personally involved in the College Admissions Process out of necessity. 
The year was 2003. My daughter attended our local high school and when it came time for her to apply to colleges I did not know where to turn.  The high school counselors were overburdened with students.  They had limited time to spend with us.  I felt that we needed to gather as much information about this process in order to make the most reasonable choices that fit within her academic abilities and within our financial budget.  Thus, I pored over any resource that I could find concerning the college admissions process.  I applied this knowledge helping my daughter with the college admissions process. She was accepted to her first choice, Wellesley College and her second choice Boston College. It was then, I knew I needed more training to turn this passion into a business.


I became a Certified Independent Educational Consultant through the UCLA Extension College Counseling Certificate Program in 2008. I opened my practice "First Choice College Consulting and Educational Services" in 2009. I am also a certified teacher in the Kearsarge Regional School District in NH and am currently serving my 20th year teaching middle school students the subject of mathematics. 


First Choice has worked with over 100 students from as far away as Indonesia and China. Ninety-five percent of my clients have been admitted to their first or second choice.

Elise Bundy


Elise Bundy is a Certified Independent Educational Consultant. She received her Certificate in College Counseling from the UCLA Extension in Los Angeles, California in 2008. First Choice College Consulting opened for business in 2009 and has been growing since.


In addition to being an Educational Consultant, she is a certified math teacher for the Kearsarge Regional School District in NH. She began teaching in 1995 and has taught middle school mathematics for over 20 years.


Before teaching, she lived and worked in Vail, Colorado for the ski industry. Prior to living and raising her family in the Vail Valley, she was employed by several large retail firms in Boston, Mass.




Elise Bundy

Personal Profile



  • Bachelor of Science/ Business Administration, Simmons University, Boston, MA. 1972.
  • Master’s Degree in Education, Notre Dame College, Manchester, NH. 1990.
  • Certificate in College Admissions Counseling, UCLA, CA.  2008.



  • Mathematics Teacher, Kearsarge Regional School District, New London, NH.  1995-present.

603-306-2393; cell

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