Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start looking at college?
The most realistic time should be during your junior year. You should be
looking through college text books and getting some idea of the type of
school you may or may not be interested in.
Where and how do I start?
Talk to your friends, search different college on the internet, and go to
your guidance office. There are many websites that you can find to get
your feet wet.
How many colleges should I apply to?
I recommend starting with a preliminary list and then finally after visiting and
researching the schools, narrow your list down to eight to ten.
These should fit into three categories: Safety, Target, and Stretch.
Do I have to take the SAT or ACT?
You do not have to but, we would highly recommend taking both during the spring of your junior year. See which test you like better. The formats are different. Then, take the test again in the fall of your senior year.
What if my scores are really low?
There are so many test optional schools and each year the list grows. If you do not want to use your test scores as part of the admissions process, consider looking at this site to view the colleges that do not require the SAT/ACT.
Should I apply to colleges that are too expensive?
Yes! Every school offers some kind of Financial Aid. In order to qualify, you will need to complete some forms. If you apply for government aid you must complete the FAFSA; if you are applying for institutional aid then, you may need to complete the CSS Profile. The financial aid office at each school can help you with the process.
Do I need to visit every college I apply to?
Would you buy a car without driving it? Probably not! A college is an investment of both your time and money. So, you want to make sure that it is the best fit. First Choice can help you with this decision because we have visited many, many colleges however; you are the one who decides. If you cannot visit, there are many virtual tours that can help but, there is nothing like being on the campus to help you make your decision.
Other: Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have.