We are here to help!

College Consulting
The main reason to hire an Independent Educational Consultant is for your student to get individualized attention. According to the American Counseling Association the current statistic for the counselor to student ratio in the State of New Hampshire is 237/1 and this is low. For the state of California, the counselor to student ratio is 818/1. High school guidance counselors have many hats to wear and little time to give one to one guidance to the student for the college admissions process. At First Choice, we guide your student from the beginning right through to the time the final college selection has been made.
Nothing can prepare you more for the high stakes tests like the ACT or SAT than completing practice tests. At First Choice, we recreate a similar testing experience that your student will have on test day. We teach strategies, content and relaxation techniques that will appease the anxiety associated with testing.
Career Assessment
At First Choice, we match your skills and interests using inventories and assessments to help you find the best fit in a career. According the to National Center for Education Statistics young adults with a bachelor’s degree earned more than twice as much as those without a high school diploma. Additionally, young adults who have earned a master’s degree or higher earned 23% more than young adults with just a bachelor’s degree. Let us help you meet your goal.